Introduction to Planet and Planet Explorer: How to Harness the Power of Daily Imagery

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This session is a non-technical introduction to Planet (, Planet satellites, Planet imagery, and use cases. In this presentation, you will learn more about Planet satellites and the imaging sensors onboard. You will also learn the different ways in which users can access Planet imagery. Finally, there will be a live demonstration of how to […]


Thematic meeting with Planet

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This event is part of a series being offered by the Planet team. More information about this series can be found at Thematic meetings are designed to promote conversation on current or potential use of Planet imagery. We want to know how you are using or planning to use Planet imagery in your research […]


Map production with QGIS

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This is an introductory workshop focusing on the fundamental concepts and skills needed to begin using QGIS to explore and analyze spatial data. It is also meant to help you understand how to get started composing a map document for print production. By the end of this workshop, attendees will have a basic understanding of […]


Python for ArcGIS – Working with ArcGIS Notebooks

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The Python programming language was first introduced to the ArcGIS community in 2004, with the release of ArcGIS version 9.0, as one of the scripting languages that provides access to the ArcGIS geoprocessing framework. Since then, Python has become the language of choice for scripting and automation among ArcGIS users, and indeed many other applications. […]


Map production with QGIS

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This is an introductory workshop focusing on the fundamental concepts and skills needed to begin using QGIS to explore and analyze spatial data. It is also meant to help you understand how to get started composing a map document for print production. By the end of this workshop, attendees will have a basic understanding of […]


Map production with QGIS

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This is an introductory workshop focusing on the fundamental concepts and skills needed to begin using QGIS to explore and analyze spatial data. It is also meant to help you understand how to get started composing a map document for print production. By the end of this workshop, attendees will have a basic understanding of […]


Map production with QGIS

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This is an introductory workshop focusing on the fundamental concepts and skills needed to begin using QGIS to explore and analyze spatial data. It is also meant to help you understand how to get started composing a map document for print production. By the end of this workshop, attendees will have a basic understanding of […]


Introduction to ArcGIS Pro

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This is an introductory workshop focusing on the fundamental concepts and skills needed to begin using ArcGIS Pro for exploring and analyzing spatial data. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: - Navigate around the ArcGIS Pro interface - Join two different datasets together - Explore and query data using the […]


Using Scopus to find, analyze, and keep up with research in your field

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

With over 3 million new academic papers published each year across the globe, new tools are required to find and keep up with relevant research and researchers in your field. Scopus is an abstract and citation database that indexes 85M+ academic outputs across all areas of scholarly activity and enriches document records with metadata to […]


Understanding Spatial Data: Map Projections [In person]

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This workshop will familiarize participants with foundational knowledge about map projections for working with spatial data. By the end of the workshop participants will understand map projections, coordinate systems, how to find the coordinate reference system of data, and how to change a dataset’s coordinate system. We will conduct three short exercises using the desktop […]


Understanding Spatial Data – Map Projections

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This workshop will familiarize participants with foundational knowledge about map projections for working with spatial data. By the end of the workshop participants will understand map projections, coordinate systems, how to find the coordinate reference system of data, and how to change a dataset’s coordinate system. We will conduct three short exercises using the desktop […]


Geospatial Analysis & Visualization with Python

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

In this workshop, we'll use a dataset that focuses on a very painful subject and may be triggering for some to work with. We are going to look at Police Killings in Canada from 2000-2017. The data was obtained from Pivot Legal Society and initially collected by the CBC. We're going to visualize the data, […]
