TA-Instructor Working Relationship (For TAs)

See Description

This event is part of the CTLT Summer Institute, taking place from August 21–25, 2023. As a Teaching Assistant, you will be working closely in different roles with an experienced instructor […]

Faculty-TA Relationship (For Faculty)

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This event is part of the CTLT Summer Institute, taking place from August 21–25, 2023. Teaching Assistants (TA) play a significant role in students’ learning. They are often expected to teach […]

Learning Objectives to Foster Student Learning

Online/Virtual Event

This event is part of the CTLT Summer Institute, taking place from August 21–25, 2023. In this session, we will explore the multiple benefits of using learning objectives, including the ways […]

Decolonizing Gender and Sexual Diversity

Online/Virtual Event

This event is part of the CTLT Summer Institute, taking place from August 21–25, 2023. This presentation will take a foundational look at the impacts of colonial erasure on gender and […]

Building Authentic Assessment for Learning

See Description

This event is part of the CTLT Summer Institute, taking place from August 21–25, 2023. Teaching online during the pandemic forced us to re-examine our assessment practices and re-imagine ways to […]

Engaging Activities for Learners: Active Learning Techniques in the Classroom

Irving K. Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This event is part of the CTLT Summer Institute, taking place from August 21–25, 2023. “Active Learning is “”anything that involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they […]