Evaluating TLEF and SaP Fund Projects

Online/Virtual Event

Evaluation activities are important to think about throughout the life of your teaching and learning project, as they allow you to monitor and refine the development of the project. Evaluation […]


Boost leadership with coaching skills

Online/Virtual Event

So you’ve invested in yourself and your education, and you want your contribution to count — but how can you maximize your impact as a leader? And how do you […]


Boost leadership with coaching skills

Online/Virtual Event

So you’ve invested in yourself and your education, and you want your contribution to count — but how can you maximize your impact as a leader? And how do you […]


Innovating affordable housing in Canada: the HART project

Allard Hall 1822 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

HART (Housing Assessment Resource Tools) is an innovative project that is redefining how we measure and address housing need in Canada. The team, co-led by Professor Alexandra Flynn, is building […]


TLEF-OER Fund Online Proposal Consultation Sessions – November 1, 2022

Irving K. Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Beginning in September, CTLT will host weekly online drop-in sessions for applicants who are planning on submitting Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) or Open Educational Resources (OER) Fund project […]