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The UBC Drone Partnership Table Thought Exchange

June 24, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Quadcopter drone flying in the air

The Drone Transport Initiative is excited to invite you to join us virtually for an information and thought exchange session focused on the future of drone transport and its role in improving healthcare access for Indigenous communities in BC’s rural and remote areas. Our aim is to bring together health system partners as we move from piloting toward the stickier challenges of implementation.

This pioneering endeavor, co-led by the UBC Faculty of Medicine, Stellat’en First Nation, the Village of Fraser Lake and health system partners examines how drones could bolster health service access in rural and remote communities. Currently, many community members can see a doctor or nurse virtually, but face geographic barriers when receiving diagnostic tests, medication, and medical supplies. The drone transport initiative explores where drones could reinforce supply chain in rural and remote regions and increase healthcare access.

Phase 1 of the Drone Transport Initiative (see 2-minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oYkmdHRXzE)

The pilot project completed over 1200 flights across twelve months of operation and flew medication and medical supplies successfully. Phase one uncovered the drones’ ability to strengthen patient access as well as supply agile and responsive delivery between facilities. The pilot showed a future where drone technology is an integral part of BC’s healthcare landscape.

Now, the Drone Transport Initiative is seeking champions across BC’s health system to collaboratively conceptualize a scalable model to support implementation in other regions. We continue to grow our partnerships including a UBC interdisciplinary research cluster, the aviation sector through the Prince George Airport. Today, we seek to extend this collaborative spirit to you.

For more information, check out UBC’s Drone Transports Initiative (https://dronetransport.med.ubc.ca/)

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