The Crisis In Long Term Care: Richard B. Splane Lecture in Social Policy
Engage in a virtual panel discussion on the challenges facing long term care in B.C. and Canada, as part of the 2022 Richard B. Splane Lecture in Social Policy.
Engage in a virtual panel discussion on the challenges facing long term care in B.C. and Canada, as part of the 2022 Richard B. Splane Lecture in Social Policy.
Reparations in Social Work: A Progressive Model for Change with Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard Black Canadians are owed reparations for the harms endured during enslavement and the harmful impacts that continue to haunt Black Communities. In this lecture, Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard addresses the often-asked question “How do we engage in meaningful reparations?” In 2020, […]
Indigenous Rights Reclamation On behalf of the School of Social Work, we are pleased to invite you to the upcoming Indigenous Speaker Series Event. We are honored to have Charlotte (Salla) Sukow, Project Manager for Child and Family Jurisdiction for the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation and Interim Director of Operations for the Galgapothla (Kwakwala for “to stand […]
Are you passionate about making a positive impact on individuals and communities? Are you interested in the crossover of well-being, social justice, and societal issues that social work focuses on? If so, join the BSW Information Sessions on April 8th or 12th, to hear more about the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program at UBC, […]
Are you passionate about making a positive impact on individuals and communities? Are you interested in the crossover of well-being, social justice, and societal issues that social work focuses on? If so, join the BSW Information Sessions on April 8th or 12th, to hear more about the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program at UBC, […]
Hear from BC’s chief coroner of 13 years, on knowledge acquired in facing the province’s drug toxicity crisis, as part of the 2024 Richard B. Splane Lecture in Social Policy.
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