Introduction to Git and GitHub

Online/Virtual Event

Learn the basics of using Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration. Git is widely-used version-control software that tracks changes to a group of files, referred to as a […]


NVivo part 1: getting started with NVivo

Online/Virtual Event

NVivo is a computer-assisted qualitative-data-analysis software. In this introductory workshop, you will learn about the benefits of working with NVivo, how to set it up, the types of sources you […]


Panic to Power: Build Your Career Confidence

Online/Virtual Event

If your stress or nervousness is getting in your way, this workshop will offer useful information and effective coping strategies to turn your unease into motivated, productive energy that will […]


Creating digital exhibits: a survey of tools

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop will cover an assortment of digital exhibit and storytelling tools such as Omeka, Scalar, static site generators (CollectionBuilder and Wax), and narrative tools such as Timeline.js and Storymaps […]


Map production with QGIS

Walter C. Koerner Library 1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This is an introductory workshop focusing on the fundamental concepts and skills needed to begin using QGIS to explore and analyze spatial data. It is also meant to help you […]


Designing Your Life & Career

Online/Virtual Event

Each day is an opportunity to think like a designer - to be curious, try things out, collaborate with others, reflect, and be mindful when making choices. In this workshop, […]


NVivo part 2: classification and datasets

Online/Virtual Event

NVivo's classification capabilities will help you add demographic data to your nodes and bibliographic data to your sources. Datasets allow you to import and work with tabular material from spreadsheets, […]


Intro to web scraping with Python

Online/Virtual Event

Web scraping is a powerful tool which unlocks doors to new data. This workshop will introduce attendees to some tools and techniques for getting data from web pages using Python, […]
