Using Mendeley for Citation Management

Online/Virtual Event

Mendeley is a reference management tool that helps you build libraries of references and then add citations and bibliographies to word-processed documents. This workshop is meant for those using or […]


Join tables in R

Online/Virtual Event

There are many cases where it's helpful to combine data from multiple sources or tables. This workshop will introduce how to work with multiple data frames in R. Participants are […]


Map Production with QGIS

Online/Virtual Event

This is an introductory workshop focusing on the fundamental concepts and skills needed to begin using QGIS to explore and analyze spatial data. It is also meant to help you […]


Tools and Workflows in QGIS

Online/Virtual Event

This intermediate-level workshop is focused on common tools and workflows in QGIS. By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to set up a QGIS project, find and […]


Creating Digital Exhibits: A Survey of Tools

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop will cover an assortment of digital exhibit and storytelling tools such as Omeka, Scalar, static site generators (CollectionBuilder and Wax), and narrative tools such as Timeline.js and Storymaps […]


Introduction to Web Mapping with Leaflet

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop will first give an introduction to web maps, including the differences between digital maps and web maps, their structure, and how they work. The second part of the […]
