Using Mendeley for Citation Management

Online/Virtual Event

Mendeley is a reference management tool that helps you build libraries of references and then add citations and bibliographies to word-processed documents. This workshop is meant for those using or […]


Data visualization with ggplot2

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop will introduce concepts and tools for visualizing data in R, with emphasis on the ggplot2 package. Participants are expected to be familiar with R and the RStudio environment. The […]


Map Production with QGIS

Online/Virtual Event

This is an introductory workshop focusing on the fundamental concepts and skills needed to begin using QGIS to explore and analyze spatial data. It is also meant to help you […]


Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop focuses on Large Language Models (LLM) to provide participants with a foundational understanding of LLM, their working, and how to fine-tune a pre-trained LLM for your own data. […]
