Between Membership &Belonging: Life Under Section 10 of the Indian Act with Dr. Damien Lee

Online/Virtual Event

2025 marks the 40th anniversary of section 10 band membership – an aspect of the Indian Act that allows First Nations to determine their own membership lists. While section 10 was touted as a success in self-governance, problems have emerged. In this talk, Dr. Damien Lee examines positives and negatives of First Nation-controlled band membership […]


Disconnect to Reconnect with Vanessa and Ariana from Decolonize and Rize

Online/Virtual Event

Email, social media, and other online platforms keep us constantly plugged in to the outside world. In this circle participants will reflect on simple ways to disconnect from the digital world so they can reconnect with themselves. We will also explore accessible ways to cultivate a deeper connection to the land regardless of where one […]
