Using RMarkdown

Online/Virtual Event

R Markdown turns your analyses into high-quality, elegantly formatted, and fully reproducible output by putting together narrative text, code and plots. This workshop will walk you through the creation and usage of R Markdown. Participants are expected to already be familiar with R and the RStudio environment. The workshop is one hour, followed by an […]


Data Bites – Best Practices for File Formatting

Online/Virtual Event

Do you struggle with organizing your research materials? This 30-minute workshop highlights practical techniques for file formatting. Join us to learn more about data formats, data access, and preservation.


Drop-In Career Advising for International Undergraduate Students

Hybrid Online/Virtual and In-Person - See Description Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Irene Navarro, Career Educator, will be offering virtual drop-in advising for international undergraduate students from 1–3 PM Thursdays. International undergraduate students are encouraged to drop in – no appointment needed! – and ask any career questions they may have. Students will be seen individually for up to 10 minutes each (unless demand is low, in […]

Data Science and Health (DASH): AI Meets Ethics Speaker Series “Health Data Foundations and Equitable AI”

See Description

The UBC Data Science and Health (DASH) Research Cluster is excited to launch our new AI Meets Ethics Speaker Series! This series will explore the ethical implications of, and considerations for, implementing AI technologies in healthcare. The first session features DASH Cluster’s EDI Co-Lead, Dr. Charlene Ronquillo. This event is free and open to everyone […]


Understanding the Labour Market

Online/Virtual Event

Learn where to access labour market information to know what industries are growing, what skills are in demand, and to learn about different roles that leverage the knowledge and skills you’ve developed throughout your degree

Drop-In Career Advising for Undergraduate Arts Students

Hybrid Online/Virtual and In-Person - See Description Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Carli Fink, the Arts Career Strategist, will be offering drop-in advising for undergraduate Arts students from 1–3 PM Wednesdays during Term 1. Undergraduate Arts students are encouraged to drop in – no appointment needed! – and ask any career questions they may have. Students will be seen individually for up to 10 minutes each (unless […]

Data Bites – Best Practices for File Naming

Online/Virtual Event

Do you struggle with organizing your research materials? This 30 mins workshop highlights practical techniques for file naming. Join us to develop a naming convention based on elements that are important to your work.


Data organization in spreadsheets for the Social Sciences

Online/Virtual Event

Does data cleaning and formatting keep you up at night? Have you ever wondered about the basic principles of good data organization for spreadsheets? Set yourself up for success by attending this workshop. Good data organization is the foundation of any research project. Most researchers have data in spreadsheets. So, it’s the place that many […]
