Loops and conditional statements in R

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop will focus on tools (mostly in base R) to perform customized operations in R including looping, nested looping, and conditional statements. This workshop is intended to expand the capabilities of R users with moderate experience of the language/software. The workshop is one hour, followed by an optional 30 minute practice period to reinforce […]


Introduction to Machine Learning: Regression Models

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop focuses on regression models to provide participants with a foundational understanding of machine learning concepts, techniques, and tools used for linear and nonlinear regression. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises, participants will gain practical experience with regression algorithms, one of the most popular machine-learning techniques. The workshop begins with an overview […]

Event Series Introduction to Git and GitHub

Introduction to Git and GitHub

Online/Virtual Event

Learn the basics of using Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.  Git is widely used version control software that tracks changes to a group of files, referred to as a repository.  GitHub is a popular website for hosting and sharing Git repositories, making it easier to collaborate and share your work.  Together, Git and GitHub provide a […]


Literature Reviews: Searching and Keeping Track

Online/Virtual Event

We will cover the purposes of literature reviews; the different types of reviews; developing effective search strategies; finding the right databases to search; locating scholarly articles, theses / dissertations, books, and more; and resources to help you keep track of your research. There will be time to engage with the presenters, so bring your questions. […]

Event Series Introduction to Voyant Tools

Introduction to Voyant Tools

Online/Virtual Event

We will introduce Voyant, a free suite of visual tools for text analysis. Participants will get hands on experience applying common tools within Voyant to a corpus. No prior experience with text analysis is required. This workshop is part of the Digital Toolkit workshop series presented by the UBC Library Research Commons. Location Details Location: *ONLINE* If […]


Using Zotero for Citation Management

Online/Virtual Event

Everyone who is using Zotero or thinks they might like to use Zotero is welcome at this workshop. During this session, participants will: Learn the best ways to use Zotero to keep all of your citations in order throughout your research; Gain tips and tricks to get the most out of Zotero  and your citation management tracking […]


Introduction to Machine Learning: Classification and Clustering

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop offers an exploration of machine learning models for clustering and classification. With the increasing availability of large datasets, these models play a crucial role in extracting valuable insights and making informed decisions. In this workshop, participants will gain insight into clustering algorithms such as K-means, explore popular classification algorithms like decision trees, and […]


Beginner R

Online/Virtual Event

If you have never opened R, do not know what R packages are, do not know how to read files into R, this workshop is for you! At the end of this workshop you will: Know what R and RStudio are Know what the parts of R Studio are called Know how to organize R […]


Introduction to Machine Learning: Neural Networks

Online/Virtual Event

In this workshop, participants will dive into the fascinating world of neural networks. Neural networks have emerged as powerful models for solving complex and nonlinear problems. This workshop begins with an introduction to neural networks, covering their architecture, activation functions, and training algorithms. Participants will gain insights into how neural networks can effectively capture and […]


Data Bites – Best Practices for Creating a README file

Online/Virtual Event

Do you struggle with organizing your research materials? This 30-minute workshop highlights practical techniques for creating a README file. A README is a guide to your data and assists other researchers to understand your dataset, its contents, provenance, licensing and how to interact with it. Location: ONLINE (A Zoom link will be sent to registrants 3 […]


Using R Markdown

Online/Virtual Event

R Markdown turns your analyses into high-quality, elegantly formatted, and fully reproducible output by putting together narrative text, code and plots. This workshop will walk you through the creation and usage of R Markdown. Participants are expected to already be familiar with R and the RStudio environment. The workshop is one hour, followed by an […]
