Abolish Border Imperialism: Climate Migration, Racial Capitalism, and Empire

Liu Institute for Global Issues 6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

We are pleased to welcome writer and organizer Harsha Walia on April 6th for a talk on climate migration, racial capitalism, and border imperialism. Harsha Walia has been involved in community-based grassroots migrant justice, feminist, anti-racist, abolitionist, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist movements for over two decades, including No One Is Illegal, Defenders of the Land, and the DTES Women’s Memorial March Committee. She […]

Queer Worldmaking in Mental Health

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About the Talk Dr. Meera Dhebar will review traditional cis-heteronormative colonialist assumptions embedded within the discourses and professional practice of mental health systems. She will discuss the centering of queer of colour cultural knowledge, queer theory, and queer of colour critiques to move beyond the current models of LGBT competencies and affirming therapy to a practice […]

What do East Asian Buddhists call their books and why?

C. K. Choi Building for the Institute of Asian Research 1855 West Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Almost all scholars of East Asian Buddhism refer to Buddhists’ books as either the “Three Baskets” or the “canon”. But either term denotes a collection of thousands of individual books, whether in manuscript or printed form. Many premodern Japanese Buddhist temple librarians used another term, shōgyō 聖教 (shengjiao), possibly meaning the noble teachings. This presentation will explore […]


IBPOC Voices: A Conversation with Jorden Hendry

Online/Virtual Event

The Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at the Faculty of Medicine invites you to join us in a conversation with Jorden Hendry. Jorden Hendry is Tsimshian/settler and a member of the Lax Kw’alaams band with nine years of experience contributing to reconciliation and anti-racism in the health and educational system. As a PhD student […]

Inclusive Teaching: Inclusive Syllabus Studio – April 19, 2023

Irving K. Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Please note, this session will be held in-person in the IKBLC Seminar Room 2.22. Pre-registration is required.  Teaching inclusively involves supporting the success of a diverse mix of learners, with different social identities, life experiences and ways of knowing. A key aspect of inclusive teaching is supporting student’s sense of belonging within a program of […]

UBC Pre-Med Diversity Symposium

Online/Virtual Event

​​The UBC Pre-Med Diversity Symposium is an annual faculty-sponsored event designed to encourage people from all walks of life to apply to medical school. This event is tailored to potential applicants who may face additional barriers to applying for medical school for reasons that may include, but are not limited to, having a non-science background, […]


CGSHE Spotlight Series | Decolonizing Research & Practice with Rachel Olson

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About the speaker: Rachel Olson is a citizen of the Tr’ondek Hwech’in First Nation from the Yukon territory. She is a founding director of the Firelight Group, where she co-leads the traditional knowledge/traditional land use program area and leads the Indigenous health research team. Rachel has a Master of Research in Social Anthropology from the […]


Increasing the Accessibility of Video

Online/Virtual Event

This event is part of the 2023 Celebrate Learning Week, taking place from May 2–9, 2023. How to make video more accessible? Captions, ASL, descriptive video…. it can be overwhelming. During this presentation, Educational Media Producer Michael Sider from UBC Studios will reveal solutions from free and do-it-yourself to professional. You’ll find practical tips, guidance and […]