Nocturnal: Preventing Extinctions – An evening with Island Conservation

Beaty Biodiversity Centre 2212 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Hosted by Penny Becker, Chad Hanson, and Andrew S. Wright! Preventing Extinctions: Architecting the Accretocene is an exhibit on habitat restoration and rewilding that has been a decade in the making. This exhibit celebrates the successes that Island Conservation has had across the world in saving species from extinction on remote islands. The Beaty’s Nocturnal […]


(De)humanizing? Critiquing Representations of Human Rights in Film

Liu Institute for Global Issues 6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

How can media and film fetishize, be dehumanizing or further shape the discussion around human rights. How are human rights represented, reinforced or challenged in film? What goes into making human rights representation authentic? What are the hurdles in achieving authentic human rights representation? Examine what you know about human rights representation in media by […]
