Join tables in R

Online/Virtual Event

There are many cases where it's helpful to combine data from multiple sources or tables. This workshop will introduce how to work with multiple data frames in R. Participants are […]


Chatbots in Teaching and Learning

Online/Virtual Event

Online In this online workshop, participants explored GenAI custom chatbots designed to assist with specific tasks, such as generating alt text for improved image accessibility, finding and summarizing academic articles, […]

CHSPR Seminar | Trends in the Complexity of Hospitalized Patients in British Columbia

School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) 2206 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada +1 more

Speakers: Hiten Naik and John Staples In this seminar, Drs Naik and Staples will discuss their research examining trends in patient complexity over time and implications for healthcare providers and policymakers. […]