NCTR Lunch & Learn Webinar

Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre (IRSHDC) 1985 Learners' Walk, Vancouver

Topic: A Community Perspective of United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples This webinar will be hosted by NCTR during their Truth and Reconciliation Week (September 23-27, 2024). […]


Data Bites – Best Practices for Organizing File Directories

Online/Virtual Event

Do you struggle with organizing your research materials? This 30-minute workshop highlights practical techniques for directory structure conventions and directory names that will help organize your files in a way that is meaningful to both you and others. Location: ONLINE (A zoom link will be sent to registrants 3 hours before event start.)


Beginner R Part 2

Online/Virtual Event

If you have opened RStudio before, know what packages are and know how to read files into R, but not much beyond that, this workshop is for you! If your expertise is not at this level yet, please register for Beginner R Part 1 first (September 19, 1-2 pm). The workshop will be one hour long, followed […]
