Event Series Introduction to Git and GitHub

Introduction to Git and GitHub

Online/Virtual Event

Learn the basics of using Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.  Git is widely used version control software that tracks changes to a group of files, referred to as a repository.  GitHub is a popular website for hosting and sharing Git repositories, making it easier to collaborate and share your work.  Together, Git and GitHub provide a […]


Capitalize on career uncertainty

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Industry disruptions and instability are now constant — as is the buzz word pivot. But when is the right time to change roles or switch industries? As equally important, how can we retain our core values in the process? Find out how to adapt yet remain resilient at this insightful career webinar. Whether you’re job […]


Our Shared Vision: Leading Transformative Change in Health for BC First Nations

Online/Virtual Event

This Indigenous Speakers Series session brings together a panel of senior political representatives working across the four pillars of BC First Nations Health governance: the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), the First Nations Health Council (FNHC), the First Nations Health Directors Association (FNHDA), and the Tripartite Committee on First Nations Health (TCFNH). We will have […]


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Create an authentic profile, practice finding potential contacts within UBC’s alumni network, and learn how to research career ideas using alumni and employer profiles. https://ubc.zoom.us/j/6967425289?pwd=OG1IZVlwYW91dE10U2F4SlQwY3Mrdz09

Ask Me Anything: LinkedIn

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Curious about using LinkedIn's tools or making sure your profile represents you well? Pop by this open Q&A with your questions about the social media of the professional world. We recommend attending our LinkedIn Workshop ahead of time, but it's not required.

Using Mendeley for Citation Management

Online/Virtual Event

Mendeley is a reference management tool that helps you build libraries of references and then add citations and bibliographies to word-processed documents. This workshop is meant for those using or considering Mendeley as a Citation Management tool. Attendees will learn to add, edit, and organize references; create bibliographies; manage PDF and use the Mendeley Papers […]


Introduction to Machine Learning: Classification and Clustering

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop offers an exploration of machine learning models for clustering and classification. With the increasing availability of large datasets, these models play a crucial role in extracting valuable insights and making informed decisions. In this workshop, participants will gain insight into clustering algorithms such as K-means, explore popular classification algorithms like decision trees, and […]

Event Series Climate Emergency Week

Alone in a Burning World: (Re) Centering Collective Health for Climate Justice

Liu Institute for Global Issues 6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Discussion and dialogue featuring: Namaste Marsden, Masemtxoxw, BA, LLB, from the Wilp Gamlaxyeltxw, Lax Ganeda (Frog Clan). Harlan Pruden (nēhiyo/First Nations Cree), works with and for the Two Spirit community locally, nationally and internationally. Seraphine Munroe, Reconciliation Technical Representative at Nak'azdli Whuten and Indigenous Archaeological field Director from the Dakelh territory. Dr. Cash Ahenakew, member of […]


Geographic Access to Gender-Affirming Care

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About the talk While the extant literature has established the barriers to accessing care that transgender and gender diverse communities face, less attention has been paid to where gender-affirming care is provided and how geographically accessible it is. This talk focuses on a case study modeling access to gender-affirming hormone therapy in Texas, and looks […]
