Walk for Joy

Neville Scarfe Building 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Walk for Joy (formerly Walkabout) is a 9 week walking, rolling and physical activity challenge designed to get people moving and reduce sedentary time. This challenge is open to all […]


Job Search Strategies

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Learn the best ways to look for work online and in-person, and decide which strategies will help you to access the hidden job market.

Enhancing Marine Conservation through Adaptive Management in the Northern Shelf Bioregion MPA Network: Insights from a Commercial Fisherman

Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory (AERL) 2202 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Enhancing Marine Conservation through Adaptive Management in the Northern Shelf Bioregion MPA Network: Insights from a Commercial Fisherman Speaker: Fraser McDonald, Commercial Fisherman and IOF Adjunct Faculty member This seminar […]

Writing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy (Online)

Online/Virtual Event

Online This workshop is online. To attend the workshop in-person, register for in-person on February 13 from 2-4 pm. A teaching philosophy statement is a self-reflective document that describes your beliefs, values, […]

Capitalize on career uncertainty

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Industry disruptions and instability are now constant — as is the buzz word pivot. But when is the right time to change roles or switch industries? As equally important, how […]



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Create an authentic profile, practice finding potential contacts within UBC’s alumni network, and learn how to research career ideas using alumni and employer profiles. https://ubc.zoom.us/j/6967425289?pwd=OG1IZVlwYW91dE10U2F4SlQwY3Mrdz09