UBCevents Needs YOU!

An events calendar is nothing without its users. That is exactly why we need your help! As we continue to improve UBCevents, we need your feedback to deliver the best events site we possibly can!

URL Shortener
Have you experienced some frustration with the lengthy URLs on UBCevents? Well, UBC IT has developed a URL shortener! Before we launch this new application, we would like to test it out with users to ensure full capability of its function. Help us test out the URL shortener here: http://test.calendar.events.ubc.ca/cal.

Simply click any of the events listed on the events calendar and then the ‘Copy Event URL’ button on the upper left corner.

If you encounter any problems or have anything to recommend, please email info.events@ubc.ca.

RSS Feed Generator

We are also working on RSS feeds that can then be embedded in a webpage. Help us test it out here: http://test.calendar.events.ubc.ca/ubc/generator/.

If you encounter any problems or have anything to recommend, please email info.events@ubc.ca.

UBCevents Interface Discussion
Only you can know what you like – why don’t you share it with us? Do you have ideas on what you would like the front face of UBCevents to look like? Please join us as we work together with UBC Public Affairs to improve the interface of UBCevents. All suggestions are welcome!

Please email info.events@ubc.ca if you would like to participate in this discussion.