Film Screening of Courage (2021) & Panel Discussion on Academic Freedom in Belarus

Liu Institute for Global Issues 6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The UBC Human Rights Collective (HRC) is hosting an in-person screening of the critically acclaimed film Courage (2021) as an expression of solidarity with wrongfully imprisoned Belarusian students. The film captures the state of the pro-democracy movement in Belarus amidst the ongoing human rights violations under the oppressive regime of Alexander Lukashenko. It follows three […]


(De)humanizing? Critiquing Representations of Human Rights in Film

Liu Institute for Global Issues 6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

How can media and film fetishize, be dehumanizing or further shape the discussion around human rights. How are human rights represented, reinforced or challenged in film? What goes into making human rights representation authentic? What are the hurdles in achieving authentic human rights representation? Examine what you know about human rights representation in media by […]
