Symposium | Keywords: Literature and Politics

Buchanan Tower 1873 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

What is the relationship between literature and politics, and how does it shape the wider field of literary studies today? What are some of the most important historical permutations of this fraught relationship, and how do they continue to inform the vocabulary and critical methods in use today? How is the tension between literature and […]


Earl W. Davie Symposium

UBC Robson Square 800 Robson Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This annual 1-day symposium honours Dr. Earl W. Davie’s scientific contributions in hemostasis-thrombosis, which have impacted on the care of patients world-wide. He and his colleagues devised the revolutionary Waterfall Sequence for Blood Clotting, and subsequently,  throughout the 1960s and ’70s, applied cutting edge technologies to identify and characterize most of the coagulation proteins and […]


Earl W. Davie Symposium

UBC Robson Square 800 Robson Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This annual 1-day symposium honours Dr. Earl W. Davie’s scientific contributions in hemostasis-thrombosis, which have impacted on the care of patients world-wide. He and his colleagues devised the revolutionary Waterfall Sequence for Blood Clotting, and subsequently,  throughout the 1960s and ’70s, applied cutting edge technologies to identify and characterize most of the coagulation proteins and […]


The 2024 Green Rights and Warrior Lawyers Virtual Academy

Online/Virtual Event

How can you use law to fight for nature’s rights and transform humanity’s relationships with other beings and the planet? Find out by participating in this 2-day, innovative, interactive, intensive, online learning experience as courageous “Warrior Lawyers,” Indigenous legal knowledge holders and other inspiring leaders share their stories of advancing “Green Rights” through (or sometimes despite) law. You will learn […]


The 2024 Green Rights and Warrior Lawyers Virtual Academy

Online/Virtual Event

How can you use law to fight for nature’s rights and transform humanity’s relationships with other beings and the planet? Find out by participating in this 2-day, innovative, interactive, intensive, online learning experience as courageous “Warrior Lawyers,” Indigenous legal knowledge holders and other inspiring leaders share their stories of advancing “Green Rights” through (or sometimes despite) law. You will learn […]


UBC CPD: 50th Annual D.A. Boyes Society Meeting & Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinical Review

See Description

This interactive and innovative CME-CPD program will provide a timely and clinically relevant update on selected topics in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology including Maternal Fetal Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology, Gynaecology Oncology and General Gynaecology. To celebrate the 50th year of this event we will be focusing on the theme of how British Columbians have changed […]

Cost Varies. See full description.