Using R Markdown

Online/Virtual Event

R Markdown turns your analyses into high-quality, elegantly formatted, and fully reproducible output by putting together narrative text, code and plots. This workshop will walk you through the creation and usage of R Markdown. Participants are expected to already be familiar with R and the RStudio environment. The workshop is one hour, followed by an […]


Developing Your Network to Drive Climate Solutions

Online/Virtual Event

Join us for our monthly Graduate Student Dialogues where we explore topics of relevance to students engaging in climate solutions focused research.  These events are hosted on Zoom and open to all interested students in any discipline and at any campus.   The challenge of addressing climate change and implementing climate solutions requires a broad range […]

Intro to data visualization with Tableau

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop uses Tableau Public software to introduce data visualization concepts and basic skills. Tableau Public is available at no cost and provides a user interface that is accessible to beginners. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Recognize the characteristics of an effective visualization Format data for visualization Create a […]


Designing dashboards with Tableau

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop uses Tableau Public sofware to build on the skills learned in Intro to data visualization with Tableau. We use Tableau Public because it is available at no cost and provides a user interface that is accessible to beginners. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Use more than one […]


Introduction to Shiny App

Online/Virtual Event

Shiny apps are web applications that react to user input and provide a visual representation of datasets. They are a great way to make large datasets more accessible to the public and share research findings. In this workshop, you will learn what Shiny apps are and when it is appropriate to use them. Then, you […]


Data manipulation with dplyr

Online/Virtual Event

Data manipulation is a crucial part of data visualization and analysis. This workshop introduces common functions in the dplyr package to manipulate rows and columns. Participants are expected to already be familiar with R and the RStudio environment. The workshop is one hour, followed by an optional 30 minute practice period to reinforce what you […]


Choosing a Citation Management Tool

Online/Virtual Event

New to citation management, don't know where to start, or trying to get familiar with the free tools supported at UBC? This workshop compares the two citation management tools supported at the Research Commons, Zotero and Mendeley, including a discussion of the similarities and unique features of each tool. We will also go over some commonly encountered challenges, […]


Using Zotero for Citation Management

Online/Virtual Event

Everyone who is using Zotero or thinks they might like to use Zotero is welcome at this workshop. During this session, participants will: Learn the best ways to use Zotero to keep all of your citations in order throughout your research; Gain tips and tricks to get the most out of Zotero  and your citation management tracking […]


Introduction to the Unix Shell

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop will introduce the Unix shell, a powerful way to communicate with your computer more directly through a command line interface. There are many ways to interact with a computer. Most of the time we click on things and select options with a cursor through a graphical user interface (GUI). A command line is […]


Using Mendeley for Citation Management

Online/Virtual Event

Mendeley is a reference management tool that helps you build libraries of references and then add citations and bibliographies to word-processed documents. This workshop is meant for those using or considering Mendeley as a Citation Management tool. Attendees will learn to add, edit, and organize references; create bibliographies; manage PDF and use the Mendeley Papers […]


Join tables in R

Online/Virtual Event

There are many cases where it's helpful to combine data from multiple sources or tables. This workshop will introduce how to work with multiple data frames in R. Participants are expected to already be familiar with R and RStudio. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand the need to work […]
