Using Mendeley for Citation Management

Online/Virtual Event

Mendeley is a reference management tool that helps you build libraries of references and then add citations and bibliographies to word-processed documents. This workshop is meant for those using or considering Mendeley as a Citation Management tool. Attendees will learn to add, edit, and organize references; create bibliographies; manage PDF and use the Mendeley Papers […]

Event Series Open UBC Working Group

Open UBC Working Group

Online/Virtual Event

The Open UBC Working Group, which is composed of faculty, students, and staff, meets regularly to advise, communicate, and partner on open scholarship activities and projects happening at UBC. In addition to serving as a place of community for those interested in various areas of open scholarship, the working group develops projects and events and […]

Event Series Qualtrics Studio

Qualtrics Studio

Online/Virtual Event

UBC supports the Qualtrics survey tool. Qualtrics is a powerful tool that offers UBC faculty, and staff new functionality in survey creation, data analysis, and reporting. Join us for the monthly Qualtrics studio virtual workshop and drop-in session. The session is geared towards UBC faculty and staff using Qualtrics as a teaching and research tool. […]

Introduction to SoTL – February 27, 2024

Online/Virtual Event

Online The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) uses systematic and methodological inquiry into teaching and learning (behaviours/practices, attitudes, and values) with the goal of improving teaching and learning by making findings public (Hutchings, & Shulman, 1999; Potter & Kustra, 2011). During this session, we will: Break down the definition of SoTL Explain how to […]

Introduction to Machine Learning: Classification and Clustering

Online/Virtual Event

This workshop offers an exploration of machine learning models for clustering and classification. With the increasing availability of large datasets, these models play a crucial role in extracting valuable insights and making informed decisions. In this workshop, participants will gain insight into clustering algorithms such as K-means, explore popular classification algorithms like decision trees, and […]

Event Series Climate Emergency Week

Alone in a Burning World: (Re) Centering Collective Health for Climate Justice

Liu Institute for Global Issues 6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Discussion and dialogue featuring: Namaste Marsden, Masemtxoxw, BA, LLB, from the Wilp Gamlaxyeltxw, Lax Ganeda (Frog Clan). Harlan Pruden (nēhiyo/First Nations Cree), works with and for the Two Spirit community locally, nationally and internationally. Seraphine Munroe, Reconciliation Technical Representative at Nak'azdli Whuten and Indigenous Archaeological field Director from the Dakelh territory. Dr. Cash Ahenakew, member of […]

Event Series DIY Media Support Drop-In Session

DIY Media Support Drop-In Session

Online/Virtual Event

Are you working on a media project? Planning to produce video content for your course but don’t know where to start? UBC Studios is offering a drop-in media support session where professional media specialists are available to provide answers to your questions.  If you are wondering: Where do I start? What resources are available on […]

Geographic Access to Gender-Affirming Care

See Description

About the talk While the extant literature has established the barriers to accessing care that transgender and gender diverse communities face, less attention has been paid to where gender-affirming care is provided and how geographically accessible it is. This talk focuses on a case study modeling access to gender-affirming hormone therapy in Texas, and looks […]


Data Science and Health (DASH) Cluster AI Meets Ethics #4

See Description

In this fourth session featuring Dr. Julie Robillard, we will explore the impact of social robot use in the context of brain health and illness, and discuss key ethical implications surrounding their use. Dr. Julie Robillard is an Associate Professor of Neurology at the University of British Columbia and Scientist in Patient Experience at BC […]


Beyond Representation: Celebrating Black Excellence in BC Healthcare

Online/Virtual Event

Join Vancouver Coastal Health and Faculty of Medicine’s Office of Respectful Environment, Diversity, and Inclusion on Wednesday, February 28th, 2024, from 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (PST) for “Beyond Representation: Celebrating Black Excellence in BC Healthcare” to learn about and celebrate the important contributions made by Black professionals in BC healthcare. During this session, the panelists will […]

Data Bites – Best Practices for Organizing File Directories

Online/Virtual Event

Do you struggle with organizing your research materials? This 30-minute workshop highlights practical techniques for directory structure conventions and directory names that will help organize your files in a way that is meaningful to both you and others. Location: ONLINE (A zoom link will be sent to registrants 3 hours before event start.)
