From Writing to Coding – Integrating Generative AI into Assignments

Online/Virtual Event

Online This event is part of the 2024 Celebrate Learning Week, taking place from May 6–10, 2024. Since Generative AI tools became freely available to the public, educators have had to rethink their assessments and assignments in light of academic integrity concerns as well as expanding competencies to include using GenAI and critically evaluating outputs. The […]

UBCO Keynote – Hope Circuits: Re-membering and Renewal for Human Flourishing

Hybrid Online/Virtual and In-Person - See Description Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

To attend this event in-person, please register for the whole conference on the CTL Okanagan website. To attend this event online, please register by clicking on the green “Register Now” button on this page. This event is part of the 2024 Celebrate Learning Week, taking place from May 6–10, 2024.  We now find ourselves at the precipice of a […]

Introduction to Shiny App

Online/Virtual Event

Shiny apps are web applications that react to user input and provide a visual representation of datasets. They are a great way to make large datasets more accessible to the public and share research findings. In this workshop, you will learn what Shiny apps are and when it is appropriate to use them. Then, you […]


Brave Spaces ≠ Safe Spaces

Online/Virtual Event

Online This event is part of the 2024 Celebrate Learning Week, taking place from May 6–10, 2024. In Issue 4, RESPECT magazine asked UBC students about blind spots that limit learning experiences and professional preparedness. This presentation carries the discussion forward with panelists about ways we create spaces that provide a safety net for conversations on promoting free […]

Empowering Education: Unveiling the Potential of Generative AI in the Classroom

Online/Virtual Event

This event is part of the 2024 Celebrate Learning Week, taking place from May 6–10, 2024. Join us for an exploration into the integration of Generative AI within our teaching practices. This panel brings together educators, technology experts, and early adopters in the field to share their direct experiences with employing GenAI in learning environments. They […]

StEARing AI: A SaP Project on Generative AI and Academic Integrity

Online/Virtual Event

Online This event is part of the 2024 Celebrate Learning Week, taking place from May 6–10, 2024. With generative AI and the concern for plagiarism in the upswing, research recommends asking questions such as, “What are the ethical implications of advanced technology on education? How can artificial intelligence promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility?” (Eaton, 2023, […]

Teaching, Learning, and AI: The Lightning Round

Online/Virtual Event

Online This event is part of the 2024 Celebrate Learning Week, taking place from May 6–10, 2024. The rapid development of AI tools poses huge challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning. And UBC is responding in many different ways. Join us for a rapid fire introduction to a range of groups and individuals who are […]

UBCO: Closing Plenary Panel – Reflections on the Future Teaching and Learning Scholarship and Practice

Hybrid Online/Virtual and In-Person - See Description Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Multi-access To attend this event in-person, please register for the whole conference on the CTL Okanagan website. To attend this event online, please register by clicking on the green “Register Now” button on this page. This event is part of the 2024 Celebrate Learning Week, taking place from May 6–10, 2024.  This closing panel will invite leaders of teaching […]

Behavioural Insights Seminar Series

Online/Virtual Event

UBC's Decision Insights for Business & Society (UBC-DIBS) is excited to announce our 2023-2024 Behavioural Insights Seminar Series featuring an exciting set of researchers and practitioners sharing their field and lab projects using the behavioural and decision sciences to "nudge for good". Register to attend at Join us on select Fridays at 1-2pm Pacific […]


Dhillon Centre Research Showcase

Online/Virtual Event

The Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics is proud to showcase research by winners of the “Business For Social Good”  and “EDI Catalyst” grant competitions: Karl Aquino (Marketing and Behavioural Science): “EDI, Victim Climate, and Employee Relationships” Minjia Li (Accounting): “The Ripple Effects of Racial Diversity: From Boardroom to Supply Chain” Irein Thomas (Psychology): […]
