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The Centre for Blood Research Summer Seminar Series: The Multiple Faces of Sepsis
June 22, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
From the lab of: Dr. Robert Hancock, Professor
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Centre for Blood Research
Presented by: Andy An
Sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. In 2017, sepsis affected 48.9 million people and killed 11 million people, being involved in 1 in 5 deaths globally. This high disease burden is attributed to the fact that sepsis is notoriously difficult to identify and treat, due to heterogeneity in disease presentation from differences in host genetics, disease progression, and underlying mechanisms, as well as a lack of targeted therapy other than antibiotics and supportive measures. Furthermore, there is increasing evidence that severe COVID-19 is a form of viral sepsis, further highlighting the need to understand sepsis pathogenesis in the midst of this pandemic as well as in future pandemics. This seminar discusses advances in sepsis and COVID-19 research in the Hancock lab, including disease endotypes, gene signatures, and longitudinal analyses, with mechanistic, diagnostic, and therapeutic implications.
Hybrid: Life Sciences Centre Room 1003 (LSC3) & Zoom
In-person: Life Sciences Centre, Room 1003 (LSC3)*
* Lunch will be provided in LSC3
Virtual via Zoom: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/69021663938?pwd=SFc4MzViRXluMzZRY1JCaHBpQU1KZz09 | Password: 371605