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Special Guest PITCH – Dr. Timo Otonkoski
April 20, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
The CD Theme, and Childhood Diabetes Laboratories are bringing a special guest speaker; Dr. Timo Otonkoski – Professor of Medical Stem Cell Research, and Director of the Biomedicum Stem Cell Center, Stem Cells and Metabolism Research Program (STEMM) at the University of Helsinki.
He will be presenting, “Highly Functional Stem Cell Derived Islets Bring New Possibilities for Diabetes”, on April 20, at 9am, in the Chan Auditorium at BCCHRI.
This will be a hybrid Seminar, with coffee and baked goods in the atrium after the presentation for people attending in person.
As it will be a hybrid seminar, all attendees must be fully vaccinated (two doses of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine) and masks are still mandatory. Although physical distancing is no longer required, we ask that everyone respect the personal space of others.
If you prefer to participate virtually, you can still join in via zoom. See details below.
Join Zoom Meeting:
You can also dial in using your phone:
Find your local number: https://ubc.zoom.us/u/gdFdtahfqq
Meeting ID: 686 2380 3502
Passcode: 232475