As can be expected at this time of year, students are wrapping up exams and heading home for the holidays. That goes for us here at UBCevents as well, but we’d like to draw your attention to a couple items as well…
Scheduled Outage for Dec. 28
While we are away holidaying, the ever-helpful and friendly elves at UBC IT will be working hard on our servers! On December 28th, 2009, there will be a scheduled outage of the UBCevents service from 6:45 am until approximately 4:00 pm. Please be advised that during this time, the UBCevents website will not be accessible, and any RSS feeds coming from UBCevents to websites will also not be working. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. All services will be returned to normal as soon as possible.
Your January events
We encourage you to add in any January events that are coming up to the calendar now. 2010 will get off to a very quick start, so now is a great time to make use of our service, and to ensure that the UBC community can see what is coming up in the new year. We are expecting lots of viewers over this holiday season, so take a few minutes to add in your events for January 2010!
UBCevents on Twitter
Finally, if you’d like to keep in touch with what’s happening on campus in a more abbreviated and real-time fashion, feel free to follow UBCevents on Twitter. (Not sure what Twitter is? This video is a quick but great introduction.)
UBCevents at Office of Learning Technology’s E-Learning Open House
We are ecstatic that we will get to speak about UBCevents at the Office of Learning Technology’s E-Learning Open House on Thursday, January 28 at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, alongside other innovative and excellent UBC projects. It promises to be a great day of networking and getting to know our colleagues around campus. Take a look at who else will be presenting and how to register!
Have a great holiday break! Until January!