If you have submitted an event there are several ways in which you can work with us to ensure your event is promoted. Simply send an email to info.events@ubc.ca with your request from the options outlined on this page.
Due to the volume of events in the calendar we may not be able to always accommodate promotion requests.
You can request that your event be featured in the Spotlight section of the UBC Events homepage. The spotlight section is updated weekly to ensure promotional coverage for many different events. Consider your event registration deadlines when requesting dates for promotion.

The Highlight section of the UBC Events homepage features events two-months in advance. This is particularly useful for marquee events or events that are quick to reach capacity.

You can contribute a blog post that reveals more about your event. Consider a “behind-the-scenes” look at the planning of a large event or sharing what your event attendees are looking forward to.

The @UBCevents Twitter account is regularly sharing information about events happening at UBC. Feel free to @ mention the account for a re-tweet.