Today I received an email that read: “Congratulations and Welcome to alumni UBC!” and it hit me, I am graduating! The fastest four years of my life will culminate with graduation next Monday where I will receive my Bachelor of Science in Honours Biology.
This realization prompted me to look back at what I have accomplished during the last four years. Looking back, I feel incredibly grateful for the amazing experiences and proud of the opportunities I seized at UBC. Most of all, I realize the incredible growth that I had over the last four years.
So what did my UBC experience look like? Here are some highlights:
- Shuswap House in Totem Park was my home for two years (I loved it so much I came back as a Residence Advisor!)
- I spent three incredible years on the UBC Dance Team, finishing off my last year leading the team as President.
- I immersed myself into scientific research. First in physics, which I quickly determined wasn’t for me… Secondly in endocrinology, which became the focus of my Honours research.
- I balanced school with countless part-time jobs: I applied my biology coursework in industry. I shared my passion for science with youth as a camp instructor. I learned how to be a leader working at lululemon. I performed for 30,000 people as a BC Felion.
- I made a boatload of incredible friends that will be a part of my life forever.

2012 UBC Dance Team. Photo Source: Madison Grist

Filing her thesis. Photo Source: Madison Grist
UBC’s motto, Tuum Est, (“It is yours”) could not be more fitting. UBC opened up these possibilities in my life. The possibilities that excited me called me into action and have resulted in shaping who I am today as a grad. The best part is the possibilities that UBC provides are incredibly diverse and no two grads have the same UBC story.
So what am I most excited for at grad? It’s going to sound a bit silly… I am so excited to walk across the stage wearing these ridiculous bedazzled high-heeled shoes. Why? Because I think they let a little bit of my personality shine through amongst the hundreds of other grads. Each grad who walks this week has an individual “UBC experience” and I think that a little bit of that story can be inferred by the shoes they choose to wear that day.

At a concert with a friend. Photo Source: Madison Grist/

#ShoesofGrad. Photo Source: Madison Grist