Event Series Beckett 23: Endgame

Beckett 23: Endgame

Frederic Wood Theatre 6354 Crescent Rd, Vancouver, BC

By Samuel Beckett Directed by Gerald Vanderwoude “Nothing is funnier than unhappiness.”—Nell, Endgame Gerald Vanderwoude directs BECKETT 23: Endgame featuring Theatre and Film alumni. This is the 22nd annual UBC Theatre Alumni Fundraising Event, supporting the Peter Loeffler Student Scholarship Fund. Endgame, Samuel Beckett’s tragicomic one-act play, examines the human experience in his typical absurdist way. Come for the theatre […]

$10 – $15

Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop – January 14, 15 & 21, 2023 (Preliminary Application)

Irving K. Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This ISW will be held in-person. Please read the application process and workshop eligibility prior to applying. Preliminary Application Process When you submit an application, you are applying for the WAITLIST only and your spot in the workshop is NOT confirmed. If you meet the requirements and are selected as a participant you will receive an email to […]

UBC Brassfest!

Roy Barnett Recital Hall (Music Building) 6361 Memorial Road, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

UBC School of Music BrassFest! returns! We are thrilled to present world-renowned hornist and brass pedagogue, Gail Williams, as our featured artist. Join us this year as we celebrate our 10th annual festival, with masterclasses, workshops and performances by Gail Williams and UBC faculty and students. Special group discount for schools: $10 (includes a free ticket for the teacher), email vwhitney@mail.ubc.ca for […]

Free – $27

Considerations for Evaluation of Indigenous-focused Projects

Online/Virtual Event

Evaluation is a key process of any project as it seeks to ensure that the goals of a project are met. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to project evaluation in relation to projects with an Indigenous focus or those that seek to engage Indigenous partners and communities. Participants will be introduced to the […]

Event Series Beckett 23: Endgame

Beckett 23: Endgame

Frederic Wood Theatre 6354 Crescent Rd, Vancouver, BC

By Samuel Beckett Directed by Gerald Vanderwoude “Nothing is funnier than unhappiness.”—Nell, Endgame Gerald Vanderwoude directs BECKETT 23: Endgame featuring Theatre and Film alumni. This is the 22nd annual UBC Theatre Alumni Fundraising Event, supporting the Peter Loeffler Student Scholarship Fund. Endgame, Samuel Beckett’s tragicomic one-act play, examines the human experience in his typical absurdist way. Come for the theatre […]

$10 – $15