All Day

Walk for Joy

Neville Scarfe Building 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver

Walk for Joy (formerly Walkabout) is a 9 week walking, rolling and physical activity challenge designed to get people moving and reduce sedentary time. This challenge is open to all UBC students, staff, faculty, and community members. A large emphasis is placed on being social while completing physical activity, so find a friend to get […]


Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop – March 16, 23 & 24, 2024 (Preliminary Application)

Irving K. Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall, Vancouver

This ISW will be held in-person. Please read the application process and workshop eligibility prior to applying. Preliminary Application Process When you submit an application, you are applying for the WAITLIST […]

Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference

Ponderosa Commons North (Oak and Cedar Houses) 6445 University Boulevard, Vancouver

The Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC) is a conference for UBC undergraduate students to present their research with fellow UBC students, family, and friends. Since 2003, the conference has been […]