The Bedework application that manages event information for events.ubc.ca will be decommissioned on December 31, 2021. This legacy platform is no longer in development and must urgently be retired to avoid any security and operational continuity issues. All access to the Bedework event management console, event calendar, and data feeds will be no longer be available after the decommissioning date.
Moving forward, submitting public event details will be streamlined into a simple form where events will be cued for approval. There will be no need to resubmit upcoming events that have already been entered. The UBC Events team will be migrating all upcoming events into the new service prior to the shutdown of the legacy platform. The new submission process is anticipated to launch in mid-December.
The new UBC Events platform will offer more intuitive search, browsing, linking, and filtering of events for visitors to the events website.
Thank you in advance for continuing to share your engaging programming through UBC Events. If you have questions about this transition, please reach out by email to info.events@ubc.ca.
The UBC Events team