Writing an Annotated Bibliography: Synthesizing Multiple Studies

Hybrid Online/Virtual and In-Person - See Description Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This evidence-based workshop introduces researchers to the typical structure of an annotated bibliography, while accounting for variations in purpose. Typically, the annotations aim to synthesize multiple studies, thereby enabling researchers to develop a discussion of the current field, and, if relevant, identify a potential knowledge contribution. But how do researchers synthesize multiple studies? What does […]

Citation Practices in Academic and Professional Writing

Hybrid Online/Virtual and In-Person - See Description Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

All too often, citation is approached by students as a frustrating obstacle on the path to completing a writing assignment, rather than as an intellectual pursuit in its own right. Academic writing involves a complicated process of text integration, rather than mechanically following the rules of a particular style guide. No matter the citation style […]

Verbs for Citations: Moving From Paraphrase to Summary

Hybrid Online/Virtual and In-Person - See Description Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

“Study A showed that …” “Study B showed that…” Have you ever wondered how verbs like show function in describing and summarizing previous studies when writing your literature review, and what alternative verbs are available for you to tell your research story? By focusing on the use of reporting verbs in published research articles, the […]

Speaking as a Scholar: Telling Your Research Story

Irving K. Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

How does one give a successful academic talk? “Make eye contact,” “be confident,” “dress professionally”… The advice that we often receive tends to focus on the performance aspect of “presenting”, rather than viewing it as an opportunity to communicate and further our research. This workshop aims to help participants develop a better understanding of how […]

Abstracts: Communicating Research Findings With Brevity and Concision

Hybrid Online/Virtual and In-Person - See Description Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Abstracts play a vital role in the communication of research. Studies show that abstracts are the most frequently read part of a research article: abstracts help researchers determine whether or not to read the entire study. But how do writers communicate the relevance and legitimacy of their research to members of the discipline, and beyond? […]

Lunch & Learn: Common Verbs in Academic English

Hybrid Online/Virtual and In-Person - See Description Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

In this one-hour session, we will explore how scholars across disciplines use verbs in academic English. Through hands-on analysis of a variety of writing situations across disciplines, you will discover how strategic verb choices accurately represent your research acts and strengthen your academic voice. Next session: Lunch & Learn: Citations in Academic English Facilitator: Dr. Xuan Zhang, […]