Congratulations! You’ve finished your degree, dotted your I’s and crossed your T’s, and you’re ready to graduate. This is going to be a day you’ll never forget no matter what, but there are some things to plan for and look forward to that will make your day extra special. Here’s how to make the most out of your grad day.
1. Clear up space on your phone for photos
If your phone is bulging with apps and photos, you’re going to want to do a back-up and purge the day/night before so you have plenty of storage space for the dozens of inevitable photos.
2. Don’t bring too much with you to the ceremony
You’ll start by assembling in the Penthouse of the Graduate Student Centre 1 hour and 30 minutes before your ceremony, but there’s no secure storage space there, so you’ll want to leave your items with friends and family attending the ceremony. To lessen the burden on your loved ones, leave the three outfit changes at home (or in the car) and just bring the essentials on the day: phone, wallet, keys… Plus, you won’t want to be burdened with too much stuff after the ceremony since you’ll have flowers to hold.
3. Share the livestream with friends and family
You only have a limited number of tickets, and not everyone can fly in for the ceremony, but that doesn’t mean they’ll miss the action! Share the livestream link with those who can’t make the ceremony so they can watch you cross the stage live.
4. Check out the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre after the ceremony
After crossing the stage, walk over to the Alumni Centre with your friends and family, drop off your gown, and pick up some goodies. There’s champagne and refreshments, and you can pick up your UBC A-card, which comes with some great perks.
5. Have fun with a photo booth
The Alumni Centre also has a photo booth for you to enjoy with your guests. Plus, you’ll be able to find yourself on the interactive alumni wall which might be the coolest part of graduating.
6. Relax!
You’ve accomplished a lot. You studied hard, wrote papers and exams, conducted research studies, and sacrificed your social life and sleep when necessary. So, give yourself a break and enjoy the rest of the day. Spend it doing things that make you happy!
Unless you have work. Then go to work.