Despite the rain, droves of people turned up to the UBC Apple Festival to get a taste of delicious BC grown apples.
Hosted by UBC Botanical Garden in partnership with the Friends of the Garden, the Apple Festival returned this past weekend and brought over 30 types of apples to the public.
These apples were hand-picked by farmers from across the province for the festival. A variety of apples that you can’t find at your local grocer were proudly displayed, such as the rare “heritage” apple.
We also caught up with Pam Sinclair, who was returning for another year as a volunteer for the Apple Festival. We asked her what she loved most about the festival.
“The vast variety of apples that BC farmers have to offer is amazing. There are so many options for people to choose from and it allows them to experience something they may not have tried before.
Pam Sinclair – Volunteer
This festival is proud of its ability to bring apple producers from across BC to one place and allow them to share their unique apples with the public. Tastings (and sales) of apples, apple pies, apple chips, and apple juice were very popular with the crowds.
If you missed the festival this year, there are still a few apples on sale. Once they sell-out you will just have to add this event to your calendar for 2020!
Take a look at what this year’s Apple Festival had to offer!

Check out the other events the UBC Botanical Garden has to offer here!