Calendar of Events

M Mon

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S Sun

2 events,

The Willful Plot exhibition


Solving the Sustainability Challenges at the Food-Climate-Biodiversity Nexus: A Panel Discussion

2 events,


Funding your research in Germany: Information session & networking

4 events,

- Event Series

Literature reviews: Searching and keeping track

- Event Series

Introduction to R and RStudio (beginner)


Research Talk by Dr. Denis Gerstorf

2 events,


Setting up a development environment

2 events,


Addressing the challenges of overexploitation, invasive species, and climate change to ocean sustainability

2 events,


Introduction to web mapping with Leaflet

2 events,

2 events,

2 events,

Featured - Event Series

Diving deeper with Esri StoryMaps

4 events,


Creating digital exhibits: A survey of tools


Designing web maps with Mapbox


Feeling welcomed: Creating space for Indigenous voices in brain and mental health research

3 events,


Research Talk by Dr. Jessica Finlay

- Event Series

Literature reviews: Searching and keeping track

3 events,

Indigenous Worldviews, Indigenous Law Revitalization & Self-determination as Critical Responses to Climate and Nature Emergency

3 events,


The environmental footprint of global food production

2 events,

3 events,

- Event Series

Map production with QGIS

3 events,

- Event Series

Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

3 events,


Unlocking the Potential of Diversified Farming: Exploring Benefits And Overcoming Barriers

2 events,


Global blue trade its role in sustainable food systems

2 events,

3 events,




Introduction to podcasting

3 events,

- Event Series

Literature reviews: Searching and keeping track


Loops and conditional statements in R

3 events,

- Event Series

Introduction to the Unix Shell

2 events,


IOF Seminar: Student Presentations!