Information Session: University of Pennsylvania International Master of Public Administration
January 21 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The University of Pennsylvania’s International Master of Public Administration (I-MPA) Program is a one-academic-year, graduate professional program. The I-MPA program educates, equips, and empowers ethical and effective, principled but pragmatic, problem-solving leaders who are dedicated to promoting human well-being locally, nationally, and globally. This program is designed for future leaders who are most likely to succeed if they are educated and encouraged to become boundary-spanning leaders—individuals who actively cultivate the technical, conceptual, and interpersonal skills necessary to work competently, compassionately, and creatively across institutional sectors (i.e., government, business, and nonprofit) and across international borders. The program focuses on global issues including economic development, aging populations, childcare, and other challenges to human well-being and progress.
Attending Representative:
Bingqing Meng, Associate Director of Admissions