Celebrating UBC Pride at Fairview Commons

Photo credit: www.photosbykho.com

UBC kicked off September with a bang last week in celebration of Pride! And this year’s was a particularly special one, featuring the best of UBC drag, queer library, voguing and more!

Today, Pride means so many things – a celebration of diversity of our community; appreciating all sexual and gender identities; being who you are; advocating for others to do the same.

Pride came to UBC to celebrate all sexual and gender cultures and identities, recognizing the diverse make-up of the UBC community. As part of UBC’s Positive Space Campaign, UBC Pride welcomes lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirit, trans and queer students, staff, faculty, alumni and allies in all our working, learning and living environments. 

The rainbow spectrum was ever-present in the art installation above the event space. The Love is in the Air: Pride Installation formed a colourful canopy over the Fairview stretch, inspired by pride roofs across the world that help elevate the voices of LGBTQ2SIA+ communities.

Check out the festivities from this fabulous evening with drag artist Maddoria and student host Julia, featuring the best of UBC drag, voguing lessons, a queer library and Positive Space resources!

Thinking about spending the day at UBC’s Vancouver campus? Learn about all that UBC has to offer at visit.ubc.ca.