Beaty Biodiversity Lecture Series: A Bee’s Eye View


As an Arts student, I don’t often get the chance to learn about the latest in biodiversity research. So I took it upon myself to attend the most recent lecture in the Beaty Biodiversity Lecture Series – A Bee’s Eye View. This lecture by Claire Kremen, an esteemed conservation biologist and professor from the University of California Berkeley, was a great opportunity to hear from an expert in a very different field from my own studies.

Artwork by Derek Tan

The event was held just across from the Beaty Biodiversity Museum in the Earth and Ocean Sciences Building. I was surprised that nearly all 350 seats in the Ross Beaty Lecture Theatre were filled by the time the presentation started. Claire delved right into her studies of native bees and other pollinators and provided a critique on current monoculture farming systems. She revealed that this way of farming was unhealthy for the planet, the pollinators, and the people it feeds. She concluded her talk by proposing a solution of diversified farming systems, which could solve important issues surrounding nutrients, water, soil, pest control, and pollination. Now knowing the solution for a sustainable healthy food system, this calls for a fundamental shift in the way agri-business is currently conducted.

There were a lot of questions from the audience, and attendees also had the chance to chat with Claire one-on-one. But, what kept most people in the theatre after that talk were three cases of pollinator specimens. The displays were prepared and brought over from the Beaty Biodiversity Museum specifically for this lecture. It was a great addition to the event as we could get an up-close look at the subject of her talk.

These lectures are open to everyone and they are the perfect chance to learn about the biodiversity that surrounds us. Beyond this particular lecture series, there’s a full schedule of events organized by the Beaty Biodiversity Museum. Be sure to check their calendar listings to see their upcoming events and exhibit.


People peering into the cases of pollinator specimen

Bee specimen case


 Written by Tiffany Zhong